Wednesday 12 June 2013

Prime Minister's Question

Today is one of my favourite days in the political calendar as it is Prime Minister’s Question time.  These days PMQ’s have become more important than ever as I found it is when we actually find out what is this government is up to.

Last week PMQ was a little strange and I even felt a little sorry for Cameron as his backbenchers were asking him really uncomfortable questions and at times it was hard to tell the Labour MP’s from the Tory MP’s.

What I also like about PMQ’s is it’s probably the only in time the week where David Cameron has to deal with uncomfortable questions. Ed Miliband is getting better at PMQ’s and I have to admit that when he was first elected as the Labour leader I was worried.

I thought he would return the Labour party back to the Neil Kinnock days but he has proved me wrong and even Cameron seems to be little scared of him now.  Although the Tory’s seem to be obsessed with Ed Balls which is little frightening because they seem a little too desperate to get him out of his job.

I’m hoping today’s PMQ’s will be as good as last weeks and hopefully Ed Miliband will continue to pile on the pressure with questions that Cameron will probably be unable to answer (fingers crossed).

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