Showing posts with label Ed Miliband. Denis Skinner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ed Miliband. Denis Skinner. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Prime Minister's Question's 16/10/13

Today's PMQ was really all about the economy and liviing standards. Ed Miliband is getting better with each week. 

Ed comes across as passionate and determined to help people from all walks of life. 

David Cameron was desperately trying to promote the good economic use. But you could tell that Ed was really getting to him as face got redder and redder. 

My favourite moment was when Dennis Skinner got up to ask a question and you could also feel David Cameron fear.

 Dennis was engaging and very forceful with his point of view and David Cameron found it difficult to attack him. 

It was a good PMQ's Ed Miliband who came out of it very well.