Showing posts with label Lewisham Hospital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lewisham Hospital. Show all posts

Thursday 19 September 2013

The fight to save Lewisham Hospital

The coalition  government has spent thousand of tax payers pounds trying to close down Lewisham hospital. 
But what has made this task difficult is the resilience of the local community to fight back. As a former resident of Lewisham I could not be prouder of them.

The Lewisham council and various support groups recently took the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to court. The High  Court ruled in Lewisham council  and the support groups favour. 

But Mr Hunt was given leave to appeal so the fight to save Lewisham hospital could go on for another two years or so.

But win or lose I hope that the fight to save Lewisham hospital has inspired a generation of children not to give up on a cause that they believe in.