Showing posts with label General Election 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Election 2015. Show all posts

Monday 16 February 2015

Prime Minister Questions - 11th February 2015

Last weeks Prime Minister Questions was all about tax dodgers and it was interesting to say the very least. Ed Miliband really stepped it up and told David Cameron what he thought of him. 

To be fair it's been a while since we have seen this side of Ed, but I would say that it is about time and there no point of being "Mr Nice" when the other side are not playing nice. 

David Cameron was surprised by the relentless attack from Ed Miliband and it made him realise that he is not only the one that can be assertive in their debate. 

Ed Miliband made some very good points and he realises that he has to expose the kind of people and organisations that support David Cameron. 

Ed Miliband needs to carry with his attack and expose the people and organisations who trying to avoid pay taxes. 

So this was a good day for Ed Miliband but he really needs to step it up now that election is less than four months. 

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Prime Minister's Questions - 14th May 2014

In today's Prime Minister's Questions Ed Miliband focused his six questions on the Pfizer/AstraZeneca bid. 

Ed did reasonably well and he was a lot more aggressive in his responses but my problem is even though this bid does need due care and attention. 

Ed needs to focus on asking questions that a lot more people can identify with. Last week and this week Ed missed a golden opportunity to talk about Zero Hour Contracts. 

I found the avoidance of this subject a little odd but then this week he made a big announcement about guaranteeing GP appointments within 48 hours. 

I would have thought talking about the NHS would have been an excellent talking point. 

The polls are now beginning to tighten and Ed need to get his message out clearly and concisely. 

I think if Ed wants to be the next Prime Minister he needs cancel his summer holidays because he has a lot of work to do. 

Right now the right wing media are preparing there attack dogs to undermine   Ed and he needs to be ready for this onslaught or he will not win the next General Election which will be a disaster for him and for the UK. 

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Prime Minister's Questions - 7th May 2014

In today's Prime Minister Questions Ed Milliband focused his six questions on rents and the Pfizer and AstraZeneca deal.

I did like the questions the Ed Miliband chose to ask David Cameron. But at the same time would have been nice if Ed had asked David Cameron about the rise in zero hour contracts. 

I was a little disappointed with Ed Milliband today after he has been doing so well. He needs to keep up the strong attacks and today he came across less combative and more diplomatic. 

A year to the next General Election and Ed Milliband and his backbenchers need to get ready for the battle and it starts with PMQ's. 

I am confident that today was a slight blip and Ed Milliband will back on message his strong more aggressive attacks. 

Tuesday 26 November 2013

18 months to the next general election

Countdown to the next general election has started and it seems that all of the political parties are setting the stage.

The Tories are focusing on Labour's relationship with unions and plus any scandals they can throw Labour's way.

The Labour Party are focusing on reminding people that the Tory policies have failed and they offer a better alternative. 

The Liberal Democrats are in deep trouble they are struggling in the polls and could have suffer very bad losses at the general election.

UKIP could steal votes from all the main political parties and get MPs for the first time. 

UKIP will be reminding voters that European Union interference is damaging the UK socially, politically, legally and economically.


It promises to be a very nasty election campaign with lots of muck racking. However I think social media will have a huge influence votes and voters!

I will be giving a monthly update on what each of the parties are doing so for a different perspective on the general election don't forget to subscribe to my blog:)

Monday 1 July 2013

Spending Review 2013

The coalition government has two more years in power before the next general election. The economic situation in the UK is serious as unemployment stands at 2.4 million and growth is about 0.3% annually.

In 2010 David Cameron promised that he would be able to balance the budget by 2015. Now in 2013 Cameron has yet to admit that the deficit is actually going up and not down.

George Osborne’s spending reviewing included the following:

·         No more welfare cuts.

·         People currently claiming job seekers allowance would now need visit the job centre on a weekly basis.

·          Making it prerequisite for new claimants who do not speak English to learn it.

·         Automatic pay increases in the public sector would also come to an end 

·         Increase the number of free schools.

Mr Osborne has spent the last three years tackling the deficit and yet it is widely known that the UK deficit has risen. By this time next year it will be abundantly clear to all whether or not Mr Osborne economic policy has been successful. Which in turn will determine whether or not this coalition government will be re-elected in May 2015.