Showing posts with label Hamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamas. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Gaza Strip - latest crisis

Tensions have flared up again between Israel and Palestine. This started with the deaths of three Israeli boys and this has lead to the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian people including children. 

Whilst I feel the pain of hundreds of innocent Palestinians, I feel that they have been let down by the Palestinian Authorities and placing to much faith in Hamas. 

Whilst Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is  a Man that only knows how to use brute force. I was sad when the Israeli people elected this man to be their Prime Minister at a time when they could have elected a more moderate Prime Minister. 

So the violence will sadly go on and more people will continue to die until there is a ceasefire.

 I know I sound pessimistic but I don't believe the current leadership of either Israel or the Palestinians want peace. 

If anything is going to change in this conflict it's going have to be a change of leadership from both sides and I don't really know how realistic that is. 

President Obama needs to get more involved as Israel need the USA support and I think if President Obama had a proactive role in this conflict then at least Benjamin Netanyahu would have to listen and could result in a temporary ceasefire.