Showing posts with label David Cameron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Cameron. Show all posts

Friday 8 April 2016

David Cameron - Tax avoidance

It has been a while since I have blogged about UK politics and it's main because I am still disappointed with the those 2015 results and I am not particularly happy with Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. 

One story has renewed my interest in UK politics and that is David Cameron and his father's tax avoidance scheme. 

One is clear that neither David Cameron or is late father did anything illegal. However when David Cameron was first asked he told journalist that it was a private matter and yesterday four days later finally admitted that he had told some shares in 2010 and made £18K. 

I think what makes most people angry is the fact that he was not forthcoming with the details when asked and he is making money on the side and not declaring. 

This at the time when British people's wages are not rising and cuts in the NHS and education budgets. 

Will this lead to David Cameron resigning? Probably not but it would have damaged his reputation and will struggle to be able to discuss tax avoidance without people thinking that is what he has been doing. 

Friday 17 April 2015

General Election. BBC debate

Last night was the second General Election debate and it was hosted by the BBC. Both Nick Clegg and David Cameron were missing from this debate. 

Nick Clegg was strangely not invited and David Cameron declined his invite. For David Cameron this probably the biggest political gamble he has made and could hand the keys of number ten to Ed Miliband. 

Ed Miliband had a great night and he came across strong and assertive and oozed with charm. 

Nicola Sturgeon was not as strong as she was in the first debate and I almost found her cringeworthy at times when she was begging for Ed Miliband help. 

Nigel Farage did not have his best night and it culminated with him accusing the BBC of left wing bias. It was Nigel melt down moment which will not be easily forgotten. 

The other two  leaders Lianne Wood and Natalie Bennett had a pretty quiet evening but still have to convince  voters to vote for their party. 

Overall Ed Miliband did a fantastic job of looking Prime Ministerial and if he keeps this up he make get enough votes to get the majority that he needs to govern. 

General Elections - Manifestos

This week each of the parties vying office launched there manifesto and the first party to launch there manifesto were the Labour Party. 

I would say that in all the years that I have watched and followed politics I have never taken such a keen interest in the manifestos. 

I was very impressed with Labour and Ed Miliband as they did not make any unrealistic promises they know cannot be achieved and it seems like they had spent time to cost every pledge out. 

I would say that they did not provide us with specific details as to what areas they will cut and how much of the cuts the UK public should expect. 

However it was somewhat a of good manifesto and it was presented very well by Ed Miliband. 

The next day it was the  Conversatives and David Cameron turn and their manifesto was a complete contrast to Labour's.  

The Conservatives were promising to spend money left, right and centre. This after spending three years telling us that there was no money. 

David Cameron presentation of this manifesto was weak. He seemed very red face and came across like he was not comfortable with what he was saying. 

He also seemed to gloss over the manifesto and did not  go over the weekend announcements of more spending in the NHS. 

Liberal Democrats were equally woeful as their leader Nick Clegg only selected one journalist in the question and answer session. 

Overall a good manifesto launch for Labour and now they really need to capitalise on this launch and build up a lead in the opinion polls.  

Monday 13 April 2015

Week One - General Election campaign

Last week was an excellent week for Ed Miliband and the Labour and it is clear now that the British people are now listening and maybe prepared to give Ed Miliband go. 

Ed Miliband announcement on going after UK citizens with "non dom status" has played really well the voting public and he has laid some solid foundations for the next three weeks of campaigning. 

However the biggest problem that the Labour Party is a potential loss of votes and seats to the Scottish National Party. These loss of seats could be the reason the Labour Party do not get a majority. 
For me it is deeply troubling and I am not seeing real signs as to what the plan to do about it. I hope the Labour put more resources and time into keeping their Scottish seats and also enlist the help of Gordon Brown. 

I believe the former Prime Minister Gordon Brown really help to turn it around but they need to ask him now and not three days before polling day. If the Labour Party are serious about getting a majority. 

For the Tories the first official ended on a bad note with George Osborne giving a "car crash" interview and he simply could not answer where the Tories where going to get 8 billions pounds to fund the NHS. 

The Tories are about 2 percent down the polls and Labour really need to capitalise on this and even try to extend their lead if  they are to get a majority in the May elections. 

I suspect the Tories will now throw the kitchen sink at the election and I hope Labour are willing and ready to respond in a dignified manner that can help them get the keys to number ten. 

Thursday 9 April 2015

UK General Election - 8th April

So by this time next month we will know who is to govern the UK for the next five years. I was incredibly lifted by Ed Miliband plan to ban the "non dom" tax status. 

This is when a person who was born and lives the UK claims tax concessions..i.e. Pay no tax on on their incomes outside of the UK due to their father or grandfather being born abroad.  

This tax law has existed for over two hundred years and it's great that Ed Miliband wants everybody living in the UK to pay their fair share. 

The Tory response to Labour announcement was embarrassing, as they tried to pick holes in what Ed Balls said about non doms three months ago and tried to make out they are making up policy on the hoof instead addressing inequalities in the tax law. 

Judging by the political commentary and the Tory response, I think this will really help Ed and he just now needs to consolidate his message. 

Tories launched their Education policy yesterday and it was nothing short of an unmitigated disaster and which culminated into little girl having her head on the desk as David Cameron was trying to read to her! 

So Ed Miliband is doing well without trying to play it safe and being true to himself. 

Friday 3 April 2015

Leaders debate - 2nd April

It's  is now just a month to the next General Election and  last Thursday the leaders vying for the keys to number 10 met for a debate. 

This debate was definitely better than I imagined it to be and it was good to hear from all the political leaders. 

To start of with Nick Clegg had a poor night and sounded more like a Personal Assistant than a leader of a political party. He looked tired and wounded and did not come across like he had any political fight left in him.  

David Cameron came cross like he had been told to say as little as possible and if so it backfired because he looked like he was out of his depth.

Ed Miliband did well and he came across as confident and self assured. He just needs to relax or he will come across as not being Prime Ministeral. 

Nigel Farage attendance to these debates was not good for him or his party.

 When he was asked about the NHS he banged on about how the NHS should stop providing non UK citizens with HIV drugs. To me he sounded cruel and almost bordering on evil. 

Nigel Farage showed his true racist colours and I can only imagine what he putting his half German children through. 

Nicola Sturgeon apparently won the debate which is easier to win when none of her party policies are being forensically analysed.

Overall Ed Miliband did reasonably well and he now needs to up the ante if he is going to get the keys to number ten. 

Sunday 8 March 2015

Prime Minister Questions - 4th March 2015

Last weeks Prime Minister Questions was all about immigration statistics and David Cameron refusal to take part in the General Election debate. Ed Miliband was very good, firstly he asked David Cameron about his promise to get immigration down. 

All David Cameron could respond with his how well the economy was growing and it noticeable that is normal quite loud backbenchers were noticeably quiter. 

It got even more uncomfortable for David Cameron as when Ed Miliband brought up the television debates. David Cameron responses were truly feeble and it would leave one to think of how terrified he is of Ed in the debates.

So Ed Miliband well and truly won this exchange and he just has to keep the pressure up and make the voting public aware of David Cameron failed promises and continue to inform the public of these television debates that David Cameron is soo scared of. 

Monday 16 February 2015

Prime Minister Questions - 11th February 2015

Last weeks Prime Minister Questions was all about tax dodgers and it was interesting to say the very least. Ed Miliband really stepped it up and told David Cameron what he thought of him. 

To be fair it's been a while since we have seen this side of Ed, but I would say that it is about time and there no point of being "Mr Nice" when the other side are not playing nice. 

David Cameron was surprised by the relentless attack from Ed Miliband and it made him realise that he is not only the one that can be assertive in their debate. 

Ed Miliband made some very good points and he realises that he has to expose the kind of people and organisations that support David Cameron. 

Ed Miliband needs to carry with his attack and expose the people and organisations who trying to avoid pay taxes. 

So this was a good day for Ed Miliband but he really needs to step it up now that election is less than four months. 

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Prime Minister Questions - 3rd December 2014

Wednesday'sPrime Minister Questions was a prelude to the Chancellor Autumn   statement and it was interesting to say the least. 

Ed Miliband focused his six questions by reminding David Cameron of pre election promises. 

It was embarrassing for David Cameron, who ended up mixing up his jokes and accused Ed Balls of being a sado machist which he then had to walk it back and apologise.

David Cameron did not answer a single question posed to him and was busy focusing on insulting Ed Miliband.

It was a clear win for Ed Miliband and it was good time reminder David Cameron of all the promises he has failed to keep. 

So Ed did well and after relentless attacks from the media he made a great comeback and showed he has courage for the fight in the next six months.   

Thursday 27 November 2014

Prime Minister Questions - 19th November 2014

In last weeks Prime Minister Questions Ed Milliband asked David Cameron various questions about the NHS. David Cameron response was almost embarrassing. 

He was trying to be funny and make fun out of Ed Milliband he only succeeded in making himself look like he was uncomfortable discussing the subject. 

So Ed performed well today but he focused little too much on statistics and I worry that if he did regularly it would lose the effect it had today.

Considering the daily attacks that Ed faces from the right wing media he keeping himself composed and is performing remarkably well under pressure. 

David Cameron is beginning to feel the pressure therefore he has become heavily reliant using tabloid headlines to attack Ed which smacks of desperation. 

So if Ed can keep this up and not get distracted it will help get closer to winning the election in less than six months. 

Monday 10 November 2014

Prime Minister Questions - 5th November 2014

Last weeks Prime Minister Questions Ed Miliband questions were all about Europe and he asked David Cameron specific questions on Europe and most of which David Cameron was unable to answer. 

Ed had the upper hand in most of the exchanges and all David Cameron could do to detract from Euro question was to question Ed Miliband's leadership skills. 

Although I thought Ed won the exchange he needs to do more then real off soundbites and statistics. He now  needs to find way of proving that he is Prime Minister material. 

Ed is really going have to up his game to prove that he is capable of fulfilling the role as Prime Minister. 

He needs to take the personality that he shows at PMQ's to outside of Westminster bubble if  he really wants to win this election. 

Friday 31 October 2014

Prime Minister Questions 29th October 2014

This weeks Prime Minister Questions was mainly about immigration. Ed Miliband asked David Cameron some really good and questions and had David Cameron on the ropes. 

Ed even managed to back David a Cameron in the corner and force him to hold a key parliamentary vote before the next election by-election. 

David Cameron answers were very much scripted answers and he looked very awkward. 

David Cameron is desparately trying to chase the UKIP vote and so this exchange would not have gone down well with a UKIP voter. 

Whilst Ed Miliband came across self assured and he able to address this issue  without coming xenophobic.  

So this was a good win for Ed and hopefully he will continue build momentum.  

Friday 24 October 2014

Prime Minister Questions - 22nd October 2014

In this weeks Prime Minister Questions focused on the NHS. David Cameron was again blaming Labour for the problems with NHS Wales. Ed Miliband was excellent at highlighting the problems within NHS England.

David Cameron response was weak and  even his own party did not really seem to be supporting him. I think it is bit ridiculous of David Cameron to blame Labour for NHS Wales when he is Prime Minister of the whole country. 

So I think that Ed Miliband won the exchange by sticking the facts and highlighting that David Cameron is responsible for NHS England which is having some serious problems. 

These are the kind of exchanges that are important for Ed Miliband to win he has any realistic chance of becoming Prime. Minister in eight months time. 

Sunday 21 September 2014

Scotland says No....

So the people of Scotland rejected independence and it was right result. I don't think that financially Scotland could look after itself and the UK needs Scotland. 

I still fundamentally believe that David Cameron messed this up from the get go. 

He never took it serious before polling  day and then when he realised that the Scottish people might vote for independence he started offering them everything and the kitchen sink. 

He has now realised that he needs to offer English voters something too and to me it is like watching a man a totally out of his depth.

For the people of Scotland this has been a win/win situation they had David Cameron and Westminster begging them to reject the referendum, so they will now get more power. 

Thursday 18 September 2014

Scotland decides...

Well the day has finally come! the people of Scotland will decide today whether they want to be part of the UK. 

Not many people British people including me was paying too much attention the referendum talk. But I have to admit that in the last few weeks this has really caught my attention. 

I think that if the people of Scotland vote Yes then the Scottish people who voted no might at some point relocate to England.

I think from an English perspective it could put even more pressure on health, housing and education services. 

I have read that Scottish Nationalist Party think that they run the economy based on the oil in the North Sea. 

There are quite a few countries around the world that have an oil based economy and not all of them have been successful. 

Ultimately I think the No vote will be successful but after this I think that David Cameron's  lack of leadership has been exposed. 

It seems like at first he wasn't particularly bothered but once it had been explained to him the real impact on the UK economy did he really start caring. 

Now David Cameron has offered the people of Scotland everything and the kitchen sink in a last attempt to keep the UK together. 

It's really desperate politics and he probably would not be in this situation if he had taken the referendum debate seriously in the first place. 

So I hope the people of Scotland stay with the UK after all they can look forward to receiving all those political and financial gifts offered by David Cameron. 

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Malaysian Airlines crash - The Political fallout

A Malaysian airline from Holland and on it's way to Malaysia crashed last week and it was brought down by a Surface to Air Missile in Ukraine. 

This plane crash killed two hundred and ninety five people and nearly two hundred of them where Dutch nationals and ten British nationals. 

The investigations has just started but there is strong evidence to suggest that this airline was brought down by Russian backed fighters. 

If it is proved that Russia where involved in bringing down this airline it could have some far reaching consequences politically for Russia. 

I think if it is proved that Russian government where involved then applying sanctions against Russia will not be enough.

President Putin has been quick to deny that Russia had anything to do with it and  Russians at the moment seem quite supportive of him. 

In the UK David Cameron has been using his Public Relations background to full effect by pressing for sanctions against Russia.  

But then he is not prepared to return any of the money that some billionaire Russians linked to the Russian government have donated to the Conservative Party. 

President Obama has been very even handed at the moment and he waiting for confirmation of Russian involvement before pointing the finger. 

As there was only one American on the plane he might only be able to advise without really getting involved.

But the next week or so will give us better indication of what the European Union response will be.

 I think that Russia where involved and once it's proven not only should they apply financial sanctions but they also need to relocate the 2018 World Cup to a safer region. 

Monday 21 July 2014

Reshuffling the pack...Cameron style

Last week Prime Minister David Cameron reshuffled his Cabinet with some far wider changes than most expected.

The first shock was the sacking of 
the Foreign Secretary William Hague. Now I for one did not see this coming I had a soft spot for William Hague. 

I thought he performed reasonably well on the world stage and did not really do anything wrong. 

Apparently William Hague was sacked for having moderate views on the EU. He has been replaced with a supposedly Euro sceptic MP Philip Hammond. 

Another shock of the week was the sacking of the Education Secretary Michael Gove. I for one I  am relieved that he has gone. 

Michael Gove spent the last four years desperately trying to increase Conservative ideology in education. He will most be remembered for his politicisation of  OFSTED. 

Gove spent his last few months as the Education Secretary picking fights with the Home Secetary Teresa May and once it became public knowledge his tenure as the Education Secretary was all but over. 

David Cameron replaced Michael Gove with Nick Morgan and this his cynical attempt to improve his standing amongst  women in the forthcoming general election.  

David Cameron also gave some key ministerial jobs to other women. I don't believe the changes he has made will make any difference. As he is hoping that voters will have short memories and will forget the hardship of the previous four years.

I also think that David Cameron has made even more enemies in his own party than he had before. 

He will definitely need to watch his back as William Hague and Michael Gove are both probably feeling quite bitter about being humiliated.  

Friday 4 July 2014

Hacking - political fallout

The hacking trial concluded last week and Andy Coulson the former editor of the News of the World and a former Communications Director for the Conservatives was sentenced to eighteen months.  

The conviction of Andy Coulson is hugely significant as the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer totally trusted him and asked few questions before employing him. 

It is not unreasonable for the public to ask why David Cameron chose to ignore the advice of newspapers like The Guardian who advised David Cameron that Andy Coulson came with baggage.

This trial was eight months long and it chronicled the detail in which hacking extensively took place. This included the hacking of the murdered teenager Milly Dowler. 

Andy Coulson denied any knowledge of the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone but the jury did not believe him. 

Labour's Ed Miliband had taken strong principled stance to bring the journalists at the News of the World to justice especially over the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone. 

For the Prime Minister David Cameron that hacking trial did not put him in good light. He came across as someone who was trying to please too many people and was scared of Rupert Murdoch. 

So now Andy Coulson and some of his ex-colleagues have been convicted. I hope the days where some journalists abuse there positions and politicians are scared to confront them is behind us.  

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Prime Minister Questions -25 June 2014

In last weeks Prime Minister Questions Ed Miliband focused his six questions on the conviction of David Cameron's former Communications Director Andy Coulson for hacking. 

Ed Miliband asked David Cameron six awkward questions about why he chose to ignore advice from various people. 

All David Cameron could do was respond with stock responses about how Levenson inquiry cleared him of any wrongdoing. 

It was good day for Ed he had David Cameron on the back foot and looking very awkward. David ended the exchange asking why Ed doesn't  ask him about the economy. 

Which told me that David Cameron feels vulnerable when talking about the Andy Coulson.

 I think this hacking scandal and the conviction of Andy Coulson could come back and haunt David Cameron at the General Election. 

Labour and Ed Miliband need to press home the point that it's questions David Cameron's leadership and the kind of people he trusts in inner circle. 

Ed's questions to David Cameron were helpfully backed up by the questions that his backbenchers who asked David Cameron similar questions on hacking. 

So this was a good clear win for Ed Miliband and I am hoping he can continue to focus David Cameron 's leadership problems especially as the opinion polls have started to tighten. 

Thursday 19 June 2014

Prime Minister's Questions - 18th June 2014

In this weeks Prime Minister's Questions, Ed Miliband focused his six questions on the ongoing tensions in Iraq. 

Ed was particularly focused on the reports that British citizens have been fighting in Iraq. 

The exchanges between Ed Miliband and David Cameron where very amicable and it was nice to see. 

However Ed made sure that his backbenchers where asking key questions on the NHS. 

After about four questions on the NHS, David Cameron got annoyed and responded with usual soundbite about how Labour are in charge of the NHS in Wales and not running the service properly. 

So although the questions that Ed asked where met with an amicable response. Ed's backbenchers asked the question which I think rattled David Cameron. 

It's not easy for Ed at the moment with poll after poll suggesting that he is not leadership material.

 He just has to ignore these polls and focus the issues that affect voters I.e. the changes to the NHS, zero hours contract and childcare.