Showing posts with label Governer Jay Dixon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Governer Jay Dixon. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 August 2014

The death of Michael Brown - Missouri - Ferguson

On the 9th August in Missouri, Ferguson, eighteen year old Michael Brown was killed by a police officer. According to eye witnesses he may have been shot up to six times.

Apparently Police Officer Darren Wilson had asked Michael to get out of the road and this somehow ended with Michael Brown being shot dead up to six times.

For me this another shocking case that is hard to get my head around. It's clear that Michael Brown was no angel but to be shot him up to six times sounds more like an execution.  

Since the shooting of Michael Brown things have gone from bad to worse for the little town of Ferguson. 

As hundreds of people protested Michael Brown's murder, some wanted to exact revenge and the police have reacted with military weapons I.e. Tear gas. 

The Missouri Governer Jay Nixon decided to use the National Guard to control the situation and so far this has been unsuccessful. 

For me the police seem to be making mistake after mistake and nobody in the state Missouri seem to know what they are doing. 

At some point the police will realise they need to stop treating protesters as terrorists and engage them in a positive way that may not necessary bring a solution but quell the unrest.

As the public is waiting for the official report in Michael 's death. I hope that they are able release  this information without even more unrest. 

Like I said Michael Brown was no angel and he seem that  he had issues he needed to deal with and instead of a police being an authoritive and calming force, this police officer Darren Wilson acted unilaterally and killed Michael Brown. 

I am hoping that once the current unrest subsides the African Americans in Ferguson will come together and some how turn this tragedy into a learning point from stronger and better community relations with the police. 

Hopefully both the community and the police will learn that aggression just leads to more aggression and rarely solves anything.