Showing posts with label Jamaica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jamaica. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Prime Minister's Questions 12th February

Today's Prime Minister Questions between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn was about the deportation of the fifty British Jamaicans. As usual Johnson referred  to them as dangerous "foreign nationals" however Corbyn reminded Johnson that  Johnson himself was not born in the UK and had dabbled in class A drugs.

This response seems to upset Johnson who gave a reply that made no sense  to me but  it felt like he was outraged to be compared with who he feels are foreign criminals. Johnsons' hypocrisy was breath taking and infuriating for anyone who believes these men's human rights have been  infringed.

In fact the rest of PMQs was equally frustrating with Johnson getting nice "softball" questions  and the issue of crime, health and  the economy barely touched on. You could tell from Johnson's body language that he seemed to enjoy it and he came out of it unscathed.

Whilst I am convinced the UK economy is slowing down and we are heading for recession, I hope our MPs will hold  Johnson to account. However after what I watched today I am feel that he may not be held to account.   

Tuesday 11 February 2020

UK deportation of British Jamaicans

Well  Boris Johnson won the recent  election and sadly the election was all focused on Brexit. The Windrush scandal did not come at all and now the election  has been won the Tories have  resumed with deporting Jamaicans  who came  to the UK as children. The children  who to British schools and did not  go back to Jamaica are now being deported due to crimes they have committed.

I think the UK needs to realise if continue to sit back and allow Boris Johnson to continue with his ethnic cleansing". Then this government  like  President Trump will feel emboldened and attempt more human rights abuses.

Who will be the next ethnic group targeted for deportation under the guise that they are being deported because the are 'harden criminals?.... What of the families of these deportees left behind? Are the  government  going to step in and play the father role ? Now the Mothers of these children will have  to fend for children and themselves.

My wish is that the children of these deported fathers will grow and becomes a valuable member of the UK. That somehow if at all possible achieve their life goals not end up in a position of weakness because of what this Tory government have done.