Showing posts with label Prime Minister Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prime Minister Questions. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Prime Minister's Questions 12th February

Today's Prime Minister Questions between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn was about the deportation of the fifty British Jamaicans. As usual Johnson referred  to them as dangerous "foreign nationals" however Corbyn reminded Johnson that  Johnson himself was not born in the UK and had dabbled in class A drugs.

This response seems to upset Johnson who gave a reply that made no sense  to me but  it felt like he was outraged to be compared with who he feels are foreign criminals. Johnsons' hypocrisy was breath taking and infuriating for anyone who believes these men's human rights have been  infringed.

In fact the rest of PMQs was equally frustrating with Johnson getting nice "softball" questions  and the issue of crime, health and  the economy barely touched on. You could tell from Johnson's body language that he seemed to enjoy it and he came out of it unscathed.

Whilst I am convinced the UK economy is slowing down and we are heading for recession, I hope our MPs will hold  Johnson to account. However after what I watched today I am feel that he may not be held to account.   

Sunday 8 March 2015

Prime Minister Questions - 4th March 2015

Last weeks Prime Minister Questions was all about immigration statistics and David Cameron refusal to take part in the General Election debate. Ed Miliband was very good, firstly he asked David Cameron about his promise to get immigration down. 

All David Cameron could respond with his how well the economy was growing and it noticeable that is normal quite loud backbenchers were noticeably quiter. 

It got even more uncomfortable for David Cameron as when Ed Miliband brought up the television debates. David Cameron responses were truly feeble and it would leave one to think of how terrified he is of Ed in the debates.

So Ed Miliband well and truly won this exchange and he just has to keep the pressure up and make the voting public aware of David Cameron failed promises and continue to inform the public of these television debates that David Cameron is soo scared of. 

Monday 16 February 2015

Prime Minister Questions - 11th February 2015

Last weeks Prime Minister Questions was all about tax dodgers and it was interesting to say the very least. Ed Miliband really stepped it up and told David Cameron what he thought of him. 

To be fair it's been a while since we have seen this side of Ed, but I would say that it is about time and there no point of being "Mr Nice" when the other side are not playing nice. 

David Cameron was surprised by the relentless attack from Ed Miliband and it made him realise that he is not only the one that can be assertive in their debate. 

Ed Miliband made some very good points and he realises that he has to expose the kind of people and organisations that support David Cameron. 

Ed Miliband needs to carry with his attack and expose the people and organisations who trying to avoid pay taxes. 

So this was a good day for Ed Miliband but he really needs to step it up now that election is less than four months. 

Monday 10 November 2014

Prime Minister Questions - 5th November 2014

Last weeks Prime Minister Questions Ed Miliband questions were all about Europe and he asked David Cameron specific questions on Europe and most of which David Cameron was unable to answer. 

Ed had the upper hand in most of the exchanges and all David Cameron could do to detract from Euro question was to question Ed Miliband's leadership skills. 

Although I thought Ed won the exchange he needs to do more then real off soundbites and statistics. He now  needs to find way of proving that he is Prime Minister material. 

Ed is really going have to up his game to prove that he is capable of fulfilling the role as Prime Minister. 

He needs to take the personality that he shows at PMQ's to outside of Westminster bubble if  he really wants to win this election. 

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Prime Minister's Questions - 7th May 2014

In today's Prime Minister Questions Ed Milliband focused his six questions on rents and the Pfizer and AstraZeneca deal.

I did like the questions the Ed Miliband chose to ask David Cameron. But at the same time would have been nice if Ed had asked David Cameron about the rise in zero hour contracts. 

I was a little disappointed with Ed Milliband today after he has been doing so well. He needs to keep up the strong attacks and today he came across less combative and more diplomatic. 

A year to the next General Election and Ed Milliband and his backbenchers need to get ready for the battle and it starts with PMQ's. 

I am confident that today was a slight blip and Ed Milliband will back on message his strong more aggressive attacks. 

Thursday 10 April 2014

Prime Minister's questions - 8th April 2014

This weeks Prime Minister's questions was the last one before the Easter recess. Ed Milliband focused his six questions on the conduct and resignation of the Culture Secretary Maria Miller. 

Ed was excellent and contrary to what David Cameron was saying about Ed joining the political bandwagon. Ed came across well in trying to explain to David Cameron how is backing of Maria Miller was misguided. 

It was notable that when David Cameron was responding to Ed Milliband is normally very vocal back benchers where fairly quiet. 
That tells me that they may not politically agree with Ed Milliband but they understood his line of questioning and they did not want to be seen as backing Maria Miiller. 

So another strong performance by Ed Milliband  and I hope he will be able to hold into this momentum that he has built.   

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Prime Minister's Questions - 2nd April 2014

In this weeks Prime Minister's Questions Ed Miliband focused his questions on the sale of the Royal Mail.

Ed Miliband won the exchange by highlighting financial mistakes that the government have made in the sale of Royal Mail. 

David Cameron's first line of defence line was that the Labour Party had thirteen to the to deal with the Royal Mail and they did not do anything. 

Ed Miliband reminded David Cameron the tax payer had lost out as David Cameron sold the Post Office too cheaply. 

Ed Miliband gave timely reminder of  implying that the Tories cannot be trusted with economy.

So Ed did well but David Cameron's responses where pretty convincing. 

Thursday 27 February 2014

Prime Minister Questions - 26th February 2014

In this weeks Prime Minister Questions Ed Miliband asked about the money being spent on flood defences and climate change. 

Both these areas are very sore point for David Cameron as the floods mainly affected areas that vote Tories.
During the floods it was quite evident many of these Tory supporters felt that the government response to the floods was inadequate. 

David Cameron gave is usual stock responses but you could tell that both questions really got under his skin. 

Ed Miliband has really upped his game and is doing a marvellous job and this has been reflected in the polls. 

He just needs to keep the pressure up and he is hoping that six point lead in the opinion polls will be reflected in the ballot box.