Wednesday 12 June 2013

PMQ's review

I was a little disappointed in PMQ’s  this week as I thought that Ed did well last week but he was little too cautious today. However Cameron was in full flash man mode today and even to the point that his attacks on Ed Miliband started to sound like he was laying the ground work for the general election. 

Cameron was courteous when it came to discussing Syria but that soon disappeared once Ed started talking about the standard of living in the UK going down.  Then Cameron went on the attack and again and started obsessing about Ed Balls and the deficit. From a policy point of view I hope that the UK does not arm the Syrian rebels as this happened with Afghanistan in the 1980s and look how that ended up!

As for the standard of living, where I live you just have to look around to see how these government cuts are affecting everyone and three years ago I had never heard of food banks now I see them advertised in the local shops. So PMQ’s left me feeling a little unfulfilled this week but I’m hoping Ed will do better next week.

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