Showing posts with label pay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pay. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 February 2014

The best PMQ's ever!!!- 5th February 2014

Every week I write a little review about PMQ's and most of the time I have say that,  I watch it a little disheartened that the policies that our affecting my life own do not really come up.

However today was different in his first question Ed asked David Cameron what he was doing about the floods affecting large parts of the UK. 

David Cameron gave his usual bog standard replies about how his government are doing everything they can and they have increased spending on this area. 

If I was one of those affected by the floods, I would have come away thinking and the Prime Minister is trying to make a political point whilst my house is under water. 
Ed's next set of questions where about women, public life and childcare. Ed started off noting that there was not a single women on the government front bench.

He went to attack David Cameron on the lack of females in his party and the widening pay gap between men and women. 

Ed stated that women are struggling to return to work due to the lack of affordable childcare. 

David Cameron was well and truly flummoxed and did not really have a credible response. 
Instead he tried to move the discussion to trade unions and the current train strike which fell a little flat. 

Ed played a blinder today he succintly managed to link the lack of female MP's in the Tory party to pay and childcare issues. 

They Tory back benchers where reasonably quite today as I suspect they knew that Ed Miliband had a point. 

I believe that women will be very key to any party getting a majority and hopefully Ed Miliband will continue to craft his message and ultimately get those votes in.