Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Review of the of President Obama's speech

President Obama made his State of the Union speech  last night, as I expected a large part of the speech was decidated to the US economy. 

President made an impassioned plea for better pay for low paid workers and for Congress to work with him pass some bills.

President Obama discussed the successes of the Affordable Care Act and how it was changing people lives. 

It was great that President Obama talked about the NSA and making sure that they do not over reach their power in the future.  

From an international prespective it was good that he discussed the withdrawing of troops from Afghanistan and regulating the drone programme. Giving more assistance to Syrian opposition. 

Overall President Obama made a good speech and but some pundits have said it was quite a predictable speech. 

I don't think that is always a bad thing as President Obama was developing topics from last year. 

As usual the Democrats where very appreciative of his speech whilst the Republicans looked largely unmoved by his speech. 

So it look like the  President has another partisan year of politics to look forward to. Where he will probably make some progress but with very little help from the Republicans. 

Thursday 28 November 2013


President Obama's flagship healthcare policy has been causing him a few problems.

This problems have been technical where users had problems logging unto the website and operational where some Americans had lost their previous health plan.

However these problems have been overly highlighted by the Republians who are vehemently against the Affordable Healthcare Act, they have named Obamacare.


These problems have even started to affect President Obama's poll numbers and although the Republicans are desperate to repel Obamacare. 

I would say that like most roll outs it is natural for it to have its  problems in the early stages. 

But ultimately it will be defining piece of legislation that I think more and more Americans will come to appreciate in the coming years. 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Prime Minister's Question time - 09/10/13

Prime Minister's question time returned after about a months break. Ed Miliband and David Cameron discussed the energy market and various of issues.

Ed Miliband still has the momentum going  into to this weeks PMQ's and he did very well to maintain it at this weeks PMQ's. 

Ed needs to convince the wider public that he is PM material and yesterday strong performance would have helped him a little bit.

David Cameron also needs to convince the wider public that his austerity policies where needed and have been successful. 

In PMQ's David Cameron repeated the Daily Mail's talking points about Ed being a Marxist. 

This clearly the talking point that David Cameron plans to push as part of his reelection strategy. 

To some extent it is similar to the talking point the Republicans tried to make about President Obama and that was unsuccessful.

 So I don't think David Cameron will get much success in trying to claim that Ed is a Marxist. 

Tuesday 8 October 2013

USA - Government shutdown

Today is apparently day eight of the US government shutdown. This came about because the Democrats and Republicans are in deadlock over the federal budget. 

The Republicans are using the federal budget to try and defund The Affordable Healthcare Act, also known as Obamacare. 

The government shutdown last happened when Bill Clinton was President. This means that all government procurement and day to day activities are currently on hold. 

Which is probably terrible for the US economy which has also been doing well recently.

So far the public seem to  be behind President Obama and is approval has gone up by 4%. 

However this can change very quickly and especially if this shutdown starts to inconvenience the public. Then the public support of President Obama's could disappear very quickly.