Showing posts with label Labour Party Conference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labour Party Conference. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Labour Party Conference - Ed Milliband's speech

The day had finally arrived! and Ed Milliband his took place in front of the faithful party delegates.

From a presentational point of view the Labour Party and Ed did great job. Ed made sure that his key demographic where right behind him. 

From a speaking  point of view Ed explained is policy initiatives incredibly well. 

He laid out substantive policy plans like the energy policy. He discussed freezing energy prices if he becomes the next Prime Minister.

Ed came across as authoritative and well meaning. What was most impressive was that he did not need any notes or autocue. 

However this is where real work starts as now he needs to prepare himself for the right wing media onslaught. 

As Ed knows himself he needs to convince the British people that he has credible leadership qualities. 

If he can  do that then it will increase his personal standing in the opinion polls.
Then ultimately become the next Prime Minister of the UK.