Showing posts with label Tory Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tory Party. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 November 2013

18 months to the next general election

Countdown to the next general election has started and it seems that all of the political parties are setting the stage.

The Tories are focusing on Labour's relationship with unions and plus any scandals they can throw Labour's way.

The Labour Party are focusing on reminding people that the Tory policies have failed and they offer a better alternative. 

The Liberal Democrats are in deep trouble they are struggling in the polls and could have suffer very bad losses at the general election.

UKIP could steal votes from all the main political parties and get MPs for the first time. 

UKIP will be reminding voters that European Union interference is damaging the UK socially, politically, legally and economically.


It promises to be a very nasty election campaign with lots of muck racking. However I think social media will have a huge influence votes and voters!

I will be giving a monthly update on what each of the parties are doing so for a different perspective on the general election don't forget to subscribe to my blog:)