Showing posts with label Northern Ireland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Northern Ireland. Show all posts

Thursday 8 April 2021

Northern Ireland and the UK governmment

I don't profess to know the history of Northern Ireland however I know enough that I am surprised at how the UK Tory government are pretending that it is not a issue. History tell us that it if the UK government do not deal with Northern Ireland, then it will just escalate and will ultimately come to mainland England and may spiral out of control. 

The main problem is Boris Johnson is focused on this issues affect mainland England and for some strange reason he does not see Northern Ireland as a big problem. This really makes me question how serious Boris takes the history of Northern Ireland. 

The previous Tory governments have had a similar approach and the worst being Margret Thatcher her lack of interest motivated the IRA to commit regular terrorist attacks in London in the 80s and 90s. It was not until 1999 that then Prime Minister Tony Blair brokered the Good Friday agreement. 

This agreement has agreed upon by all the relevant parties and end helped to end IRA terrorist attacks in mainland England. Then in 2016 UK agreed to leave the UK and it became named as "Brexit" and whilst UK Tory government where pursing Brexit they did not really think about the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland and as Ireland are part of the EU and it was clearly impact on Northern  Ireland. 

Every economist and politician has pointed this out to the Tory government, however they have behaved like it will not impact. Now in the last few days there has been violence on Belfast streets and again Boris is slow to intervene and is just putting out feeble statements which has done little to quell the violence. 

So I think this Boris biggest test after Brexit and Covid and it will be interesting to see if Boris starts to take this serious and make a proper intervention and quell the violence and broker peace.