Showing posts with label deaths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deaths. Show all posts

Thursday 18 February 2021

Covid- UK Lockdown

The UK has now been in lockdown since mid December and this has helped to bring down the infection rate and the deaths. Boris Johnson is planning a big speech on the 22nd February and he will layout is road map out of lockdown. 

Newspaper reports suggest that schools will reopen in March and shops and pubs around May. This lockdown has been very difficult for a lot of us. A winter lockdown when it has been cold and snowing and very much restricted to our homes as been a huge challenge. 

From what the newspapers have leaked about what Boris will be announcing not much is going to change for UK people. If that is the case I think he will start to have a real problem with compliance. 

Which may end up increasing the infection and the death rate. Boris’s road map out of lockdown is problematic on a few levels. Boris has vaccinated the most vulnerable people in the UK with one dose and they are due to get their second dose in three months.

The problem is for those 15 million people to be protected from Covid they need both doses. Boris is taking gamble and hoping that if the vaccinated meet the unvaccinated then the vaccinated will still be protected. 

This approach is based on zero research and Boris’s could end up dragging this out even longer than it needs to be. The UK are the only country given three months space between the first and the second dose. All we can really hope for is Boris’s gamble pays off.

The reality is Boris has taken a lot of gambles since this pandemic started with masks and keeping quiet about the variant so children could go to school and as a result we currently have over 130,000 Covid deaths if you include the ONS data. 

So there are more difficult days ahead for the UK and we can only hope that Boris’s gamble pays off so we can have a little bit more freedom than we we currently have.