Showing posts with label National Health Service. Ed Miliband. David Cameron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Health Service. Ed Miliband. David Cameron. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Prime Minister Questions -

In last weeks Prime Minister Questions, Ed Miliband focused his questions on the National Health Service. 

Ed mainly asked about the problems in the Accident and Emergency where waiting times have significantly increased in the last four years. 

As usual David Cameron responded with usual sound bite about how Labour are in charge of the NHS in Wales and they are providing a poor service. 

This response from David Cameron is a sign that he knows that Ed Miliband has the upper hand when comes to the NHS so he doesn't feel comfortable answering questions on the NHS. 

Overall Ed won the exchange and he came accross as self assured and knowledgable of the problems facing the NHS. 

Ed needs to keep pressing home his advantage and hopefully as Election Day looms more voters will start to listen to him.