Showing posts with label Conservative Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conservative Party. Show all posts

Sunday 15 April 2018

Windrush Generation

It has been a long time since I blogged but as the  toxic political climate grow in the U.K. so do my frustrations. I cannot believe nor do I understand why the Conservative government lead by Teresa May would target the people from the Caribbean who have been residents in the U.K. For at least 40 years. This is the Windrush generation that came to the UK and worked hard and paid their taxes. Now a lot of them are heading towards retirement the government have decided to try and deport these residents that cannot prove their 'Britishness'.

The cynic in me believes that Teresa May was happy when they all worked by now they may require assistance from the NHS it's the reason to deport them. Hopefully I am wrong and they the government are not even thinking like that.

To me this a blatant human right abuse and a country like the UK that goes around calling out other countries abuses this is hypocrisy at its highest level. I sincerely hope that the Tory government will have a cold hard think about this and have a bit more respect for people who have lived in the U.K. since infancy.

One this situation has done is open my own eyes and made me realise that my not blogging I have become silent minority that are not happy with the current situation but I was staying quiet.. but not anymore.. so you will be hearing more from me.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Autumn political conferences

The political conferences have now taken place and Labour Party took place few a weeks ago. I was a little disappointed with Ed Miliband. 

I did not expect him to say that he will continue with the same destructive Tory policies. 

I really hope Ed can up his game in the next eight months because this is his election to lose.

The Conservative party conference got off to a bad start with the resigniation of MP Mark Reckless. 

The Tories did not say anything new but instead doubled down on their destructive policies that many have suffered from. 

UKIP where the next to hold there conference and Nigel Farage was buoyant from the defection of Mark Reckless from the Tories to them. 

Farage was again promising to cause an earthquake in British politics. Sadly he is probably right and his brand of extreme right wing politics will probably succeed. 

Liberal Democrats held there conference last week and Nick Clegg is a man in deep trouble experts have predicted that the Lib Dems will lose almost half there MPs in the next General Election. 

There really wasn't much Nick Clegg could say that would change what the experts are predicting. I suspect he has lined himself with a nice job in Europe. 

So none of the parties had a game changer of a conference party so there is still lots for each of the parties to do. 

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Malaysian Airlines crash - The Political fallout

A Malaysian airline from Holland and on it's way to Malaysia crashed last week and it was brought down by a Surface to Air Missile in Ukraine. 

This plane crash killed two hundred and ninety five people and nearly two hundred of them where Dutch nationals and ten British nationals. 

The investigations has just started but there is strong evidence to suggest that this airline was brought down by Russian backed fighters. 

If it is proved that Russia where involved in bringing down this airline it could have some far reaching consequences politically for Russia. 

I think if it is proved that Russian government where involved then applying sanctions against Russia will not be enough.

President Putin has been quick to deny that Russia had anything to do with it and  Russians at the moment seem quite supportive of him. 

In the UK David Cameron has been using his Public Relations background to full effect by pressing for sanctions against Russia.  

But then he is not prepared to return any of the money that some billionaire Russians linked to the Russian government have donated to the Conservative Party. 

President Obama has been very even handed at the moment and he waiting for confirmation of Russian involvement before pointing the finger. 

As there was only one American on the plane he might only be able to advise without really getting involved.

But the next week or so will give us better indication of what the European Union response will be.

 I think that Russia where involved and once it's proven not only should they apply financial sanctions but they also need to relocate the 2018 World Cup to a safer region. 

Sunday 22 September 2013

Labour Party Conference

Day one of the Labour Party autumn conference and it is clear that the Tories and their right wing media friends are trying to influence the narrative.

They are now taking Ed Miliband serious and by doing so are trying to link him to the negative side of Gordon Brown's time in office. 

They are being aided and abetted by Gordon Brown 's former Special Adviser Damian McBride. Who has recently written a book describing his time as a Special Adviser.

This book has been perfectly timed to be serialised in the Daily Mail and make the Labour Party  look like a party that were not united. 

The media attacks on Ed Miliband has included the left wing paper The Guardian. Who are constantly trying to build a particular negative narrative about Ed Miliband. 

It remains to be seen in two years time whether these attacks will have any impact on voters. 

In the meantime Ed Miliband and the Labour Party need to convince floating voters in those marginal seats that they are a credible alternative.