Showing posts with label debates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label debates. Show all posts

Friday 3 April 2015

Leaders debate - 2nd April

It's  is now just a month to the next General Election and  last Thursday the leaders vying for the keys to number 10 met for a debate. 

This debate was definitely better than I imagined it to be and it was good to hear from all the political leaders. 

To start of with Nick Clegg had a poor night and sounded more like a Personal Assistant than a leader of a political party. He looked tired and wounded and did not come across like he had any political fight left in him.  

David Cameron came cross like he had been told to say as little as possible and if so it backfired because he looked like he was out of his depth.

Ed Miliband did well and he came across as confident and self assured. He just needs to relax or he will come across as not being Prime Ministeral. 

Nigel Farage attendance to these debates was not good for him or his party.

 When he was asked about the NHS he banged on about how the NHS should stop providing non UK citizens with HIV drugs. To me he sounded cruel and almost bordering on evil. 

Nigel Farage showed his true racist colours and I can only imagine what he putting his half German children through. 

Nicola Sturgeon apparently won the debate which is easier to win when none of her party policies are being forensically analysed.

Overall Ed Miliband did reasonably well and he now needs to up the ante if he is going to get the keys to number ten.