Showing posts with label Teresa May. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teresa May. Show all posts

Sunday 15 April 2018

Windrush Generation

It has been a long time since I blogged but as the  toxic political climate grow in the U.K. so do my frustrations. I cannot believe nor do I understand why the Conservative government lead by Teresa May would target the people from the Caribbean who have been residents in the U.K. For at least 40 years. This is the Windrush generation that came to the UK and worked hard and paid their taxes. Now a lot of them are heading towards retirement the government have decided to try and deport these residents that cannot prove their 'Britishness'.

The cynic in me believes that Teresa May was happy when they all worked by now they may require assistance from the NHS it's the reason to deport them. Hopefully I am wrong and they the government are not even thinking like that.

To me this a blatant human right abuse and a country like the UK that goes around calling out other countries abuses this is hypocrisy at its highest level. I sincerely hope that the Tory government will have a cold hard think about this and have a bit more respect for people who have lived in the U.K. since infancy.

One this situation has done is open my own eyes and made me realise that my not blogging I have become silent minority that are not happy with the current situation but I was staying quiet.. but not anymore.. so you will be hearing more from me.

Monday 21 July 2014

Reshuffling the pack...Cameron style

Last week Prime Minister David Cameron reshuffled his Cabinet with some far wider changes than most expected.

The first shock was the sacking of 
the Foreign Secretary William Hague. Now I for one did not see this coming I had a soft spot for William Hague. 

I thought he performed reasonably well on the world stage and did not really do anything wrong. 

Apparently William Hague was sacked for having moderate views on the EU. He has been replaced with a supposedly Euro sceptic MP Philip Hammond. 

Another shock of the week was the sacking of the Education Secretary Michael Gove. I for one I  am relieved that he has gone. 

Michael Gove spent the last four years desperately trying to increase Conservative ideology in education. He will most be remembered for his politicisation of  OFSTED. 

Gove spent his last few months as the Education Secretary picking fights with the Home Secetary Teresa May and once it became public knowledge his tenure as the Education Secretary was all but over. 

David Cameron replaced Michael Gove with Nick Morgan and this his cynical attempt to improve his standing amongst  women in the forthcoming general election.  

David Cameron also gave some key ministerial jobs to other women. I don't believe the changes he has made will make any difference. As he is hoping that voters will have short memories and will forget the hardship of the previous four years.

I also think that David Cameron has made even more enemies in his own party than he had before. 

He will definitely need to watch his back as William Hague and Michael Gove are both probably feeling quite bitter about being humiliated.  

Monday 10 March 2014

UK immigration policy

As regular readers of this blog would note that I am not this current administration biggest fan.

 So when I reviewed the speech the new Immigration Minister, James Brokenshire made on immigration which included the controversial part about the rich elite employing foreign nationals. 

I couldn't believe the breathtaking hypocrisy, most of you will not have forgotten the recent advertisement that this administration run urging illegal immigrants to "go home".

We then find out that the Immigration Minister, Mark Harper, who sanctioned this advert was employing an illegal immigrant to clean his one bedroom flat. 

In the last week David Cameron, Teresa May and Nick Clegg have confirmed that they have employed foreign born nationals and two of which have gone on to get British passports. 

All this really means that the Tory chase for UKIP votes has backfired badly. What remains to be seen is whether it will matter when voters go to the polls this year for the European elections and next year General Election.