Showing posts with label US. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 February 2020

US Politics

Well  it has been  a while since I did any blogging! But it is good to be back to the  blogsphere.. In my absence so much appears to have happened . This  post will focus on US politics and I  literally do not know where to start.

So recently  President  Trump was impeached and acquitted, however the whole impeachment  trial was flawed as the GOP refused to have witnesses . Trumps acquittal seems to have emboldened him and by reviewing his daily twitter he now feels untouchable.

What I find sad this that the only GOP senate member to step up and find him guilty was Mitt Romney. Whilst  the  others sat probably afraid of the repercussions of voting Trump guilty. Right  now I think  politically USA is staring  into the abyss and  only  come out if their own citizens  set up and find their voices  to speak out against  Trump's behaviour.