Showing posts with label Climate Change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Climate Change. Show all posts

Thursday 27 February 2014

Prime Minister Questions - 26th February 2014

In this weeks Prime Minister Questions Ed Miliband asked about the money being spent on flood defences and climate change. 

Both these areas are very sore point for David Cameron as the floods mainly affected areas that vote Tories.
During the floods it was quite evident many of these Tory supporters felt that the government response to the floods was inadequate. 

David Cameron gave is usual stock responses but you could tell that both questions really got under his skin. 

Ed Miliband has really upped his game and is doing a marvellous job and this has been reflected in the polls. 

He just needs to keep the pressure up and he is hoping that six point lead in the opinion polls will be reflected in the ballot box. 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

The UK Floods - Review of political response

The floods have now subsided in most parts of the UK. So it is now all about the government response to the floods. 

I think that David Cameron has really struggled with the response to the floods.  He realises that he had to come across as decisive in decision making and show strong leadership.

David Cameron was at first trying to blame the Environment Agency to promising lots of money to the flood victims. 

This comes at a time when he has imposed bedroom tax on council tenants and more and more people are using food banks

So to these people David Cameron looks like he is making token gestures that will help him to win the General Election. 

So far the polls have not moved an inch towards to the Tories. Whilst Ed Miliband personal rating has improved as he setting the agenda and making David Cameron look flat footed. 

Ed Miliband has been talking up climate change. Whilst the Tories including David Cameron are very sceptical about climate   change. 

So I think Ed just needs to keep trying to get his climate change message a cross and hopefully it will start to resonate with the public before next year general election.