Showing posts with label television debates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label television debates. Show all posts

Sunday 8 March 2015

Prime Minister Questions - 4th March 2015

Last weeks Prime Minister Questions was all about immigration statistics and David Cameron refusal to take part in the General Election debate. Ed Miliband was very good, firstly he asked David Cameron about his promise to get immigration down. 

All David Cameron could respond with his how well the economy was growing and it noticeable that is normal quite loud backbenchers were noticeably quiter. 

It got even more uncomfortable for David Cameron as when Ed Miliband brought up the television debates. David Cameron responses were truly feeble and it would leave one to think of how terrified he is of Ed in the debates.

So Ed Miliband well and truly won this exchange and he just has to keep the pressure up and make the voting public aware of David Cameron failed promises and continue to inform the public of these television debates that David Cameron is soo scared of.