Showing posts with label redundancies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label redundancies. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Prime Minister Questions - 11th February 2014

Today's Prime Minister's questions was about the floods. Ed Miliband asked David Cameron about the proposal to make five hundred and fifty Environment Agency flood staff redundant. 

David Cameron refused to answer the question directly instead confirmed that money would be no object in helping the flood victims. 

Ed Miliband gave a very self assured performance and he stuck to facts and asked questions about jobs that David Cameron was not expecting. 

David Cameron looked little uncomfortable when responding to the questions. 

Maybe because he knows all this is out of his control and although he is promising all these resources I am not entirely sure he can deliver on his promises. 

It is notable that David Cameron has not set up a command station or special phone line that victims of the floods can call. 

It is especially worrying when I view tv images of flood victims buying and sandbagging there properties with little sign of of help from the authorities. 

So it was a commanding performance from Ed Miliband whilst David Cameron has a little bit more to be worried about.