Showing posts with label Angela Merkel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angela Merkel. Show all posts

Monday 4 November 2013

NSA fallout

The NSA spying fallout doesn't seem to be dying down anytime soon.

It has gone from citizens around the world being concerned about the USA government outreach. To upsetting world leaders like Angela Merkel. 

The more we learn about the murky world of spying the more intrusive and outrageous it sounds. 

However I am from the view point that it is a necessary evil to counteract terrorism. 

But there clearly needs to be boundaries and the NSA have clearly over reached these boundaries. 

So it is very important to protect our civil liberties but at the same being to protect the public from potential terrorist attacks. 

The political fallout has been messy with the White House failing to control the narrative or reassure the public that spying is neccessary tool to use.

President Obama needs direct the narrative and this will help gain more public support. 

The fact is nobody likes to feel like they are being watched, but a better control of the narrative can go a long way.