Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Prime Minister's Questions 12th February

Today's Prime Minister Questions between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn was about the deportation of the fifty British Jamaicans. As usual Johnson referred  to them as dangerous "foreign nationals" however Corbyn reminded Johnson that  Johnson himself was not born in the UK and had dabbled in class A drugs.

This response seems to upset Johnson who gave a reply that made no sense  to me but  it felt like he was outraged to be compared with who he feels are foreign criminals. Johnsons' hypocrisy was breath taking and infuriating for anyone who believes these men's human rights have been  infringed.

In fact the rest of PMQs was equally frustrating with Johnson getting nice "softball" questions  and the issue of crime, health and  the economy barely touched on. You could tell from Johnson's body language that he seemed to enjoy it and he came out of it unscathed.

Whilst I am convinced the UK economy is slowing down and we are heading for recession, I hope our MPs will hold  Johnson to account. However after what I watched today I am feel that he may not be held to account.   

Thursday 18 September 2014

Scotland decides...

Well the day has finally come! the people of Scotland will decide today whether they want to be part of the UK. 

Not many people British people including me was paying too much attention the referendum talk. But I have to admit that in the last few weeks this has really caught my attention. 

I think that if the people of Scotland vote Yes then the Scottish people who voted no might at some point relocate to England.

I think from an English perspective it could put even more pressure on health, housing and education services. 

I have read that Scottish Nationalist Party think that they run the economy based on the oil in the North Sea. 

There are quite a few countries around the world that have an oil based economy and not all of them have been successful. 

Ultimately I think the No vote will be successful but after this I think that David Cameron's  lack of leadership has been exposed. 

It seems like at first he wasn't particularly bothered but once it had been explained to him the real impact on the UK economy did he really start caring. 

Now David Cameron has offered the people of Scotland everything and the kitchen sink in a last attempt to keep the UK together. 

It's really desperate politics and he probably would not be in this situation if he had taken the referendum debate seriously in the first place. 

So I hope the people of Scotland stay with the UK after all they can look forward to receiving all those political and financial gifts offered by David Cameron.