Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts

Thursday 27 November 2014

Prime Minister Questions - 19th November 2014

In last weeks Prime Minister Questions Ed Milliband asked David Cameron various questions about the NHS. David Cameron response was almost embarrassing. 

He was trying to be funny and make fun out of Ed Milliband he only succeeded in making himself look like he was uncomfortable discussing the subject. 

So Ed performed well today but he focused little too much on statistics and I worry that if he did regularly it would lose the effect it had today.

Considering the daily attacks that Ed faces from the right wing media he keeping himself composed and is performing remarkably well under pressure. 

David Cameron is beginning to feel the pressure therefore he has become heavily reliant using tabloid headlines to attack Ed which smacks of desperation. 

So if Ed can keep this up and not get distracted it will help get closer to winning the election in less than six months.