Showing posts with label US Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Election. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 November 2016

US election - Election Day!

Wow its been while since I blogged! However I have been closely following the US election. I have to say it is definitely the meanest elections I have ever witnessed. 

I still cannot believe that hacked emails where allowed to be part of the election cycle. The insults that Donald Trump threw at Hillary Clinton where so un presidential. 

Donald Trump regularly called her "crooked" Hilary and his supporters where equally as rude. For me the video that surfaced on Donald Trump say he would one day date a ten year old that he saw in the lift was totally disgusting. 

Hillary to me has done so well to cope the barrage of insults about her family, her health and anything else they could have thrown at her. 

Hillary is not perfect but how many people are? If all they could find wrong with her conduct was the email server she set up then to me is definitely presidential material. 

So I will be keeping my fingers (toes) crossed for Hillary to be successful tonight. To me she has more than proved that she is capable and ready for the job as President.