Showing posts with label Immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immigration. Show all posts

Sunday 8 March 2015

Prime Minister Questions - 4th March 2015

Last weeks Prime Minister Questions was all about immigration statistics and David Cameron refusal to take part in the General Election debate. Ed Miliband was very good, firstly he asked David Cameron about his promise to get immigration down. 

All David Cameron could respond with his how well the economy was growing and it noticeable that is normal quite loud backbenchers were noticeably quiter. 

It got even more uncomfortable for David Cameron as when Ed Miliband brought up the television debates. David Cameron responses were truly feeble and it would leave one to think of how terrified he is of Ed in the debates.

So Ed Miliband well and truly won this exchange and he just has to keep the pressure up and make the voting public aware of David Cameron failed promises and continue to inform the public of these television debates that David Cameron is soo scared of. 

Friday 31 October 2014

Prime Minister Questions 29th October 2014

This weeks Prime Minister Questions was mainly about immigration. Ed Miliband asked David Cameron some really good and questions and had David Cameron on the ropes. 

Ed even managed to back David a Cameron in the corner and force him to hold a key parliamentary vote before the next election by-election. 

David Cameron answers were very much scripted answers and he looked very awkward. 

David Cameron is desparately trying to chase the UKIP vote and so this exchange would not have gone down well with a UKIP voter. 

Whilst Ed Miliband came across self assured and he able to address this issue  without coming xenophobic.  

So this was a good win for Ed and hopefully he will continue build momentum.  

Monday 10 March 2014

UK immigration policy

As regular readers of this blog would note that I am not this current administration biggest fan.

 So when I reviewed the speech the new Immigration Minister, James Brokenshire made on immigration which included the controversial part about the rich elite employing foreign nationals. 

I couldn't believe the breathtaking hypocrisy, most of you will not have forgotten the recent advertisement that this administration run urging illegal immigrants to "go home".

We then find out that the Immigration Minister, Mark Harper, who sanctioned this advert was employing an illegal immigrant to clean his one bedroom flat. 

In the last week David Cameron, Teresa May and Nick Clegg have confirmed that they have employed foreign born nationals and two of which have gone on to get British passports. 

All this really means that the Tory chase for UKIP votes has backfired badly. What remains to be seen is whether it will matter when voters go to the polls this year for the European elections and next year General Election. 

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Prime Minister Questions - 5th March 2014

In yesterday's Prime Minister Question Ed Miliband focused his six questions on the ongoing crises between Russia and Ukraine. 

It was a bit surprising as he could gone on various domestic topics like immigration or the resignation of the Downing Street adviser Patrick Rock.

It shows that Ed Miliband is not out to get cheap political points. As a mention of either of these topics would have been a guaranteed win. 

It probably might have impacted on how long David Cameron will stay in his job Prime Minister. 

I suspect that Ed is secretly hoping that David Cameron continues to stay in his job at least until General Election Day as he probably thinks he has a fair chance of beating him.

The actual exchanges between David Cameron and Ed Miliband was different to the weekly banter. 

It was not really about who came out on top but Ed's wise decision to avoid opportunistic wins.