Showing posts with label Reverend Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reverend Flowers. Show all posts

Friday 22 November 2013

Prime Minister's Questions

Wednesday's Prime Minister's Questions was entertaining to say the least. Ed Miliband tried to focus on the cost of living crises. 

However David Cameron was more interested in bringing up the conduct of Reverend Flowers and link him to the current Labour Party.   

In the end this weeks PMQ's was a bit of a farce and it looked and sounded like a bit of electioneering was going on from both sides. 

But I did find it particularly galling that David Cameron was constantly trying to link Ed Miliband to Reverend Flowers without a shred of evidence. 

I also noted that yougov's daily tracker still puts Labour Party at least seven points ahead of the Tories.

Therefore the whole right wing strategy of linking  Reverend Flowers is having little impact. 

However if they did find some damming evidence of a genuine link that would change everything.

At the moment it is just a lot of hear say which is not moving the polls in any significant direction.