Wednesday 23 July 2014

Malaysian Airlines crash - The Political fallout

A Malaysian airline from Holland and on it's way to Malaysia crashed last week and it was brought down by a Surface to Air Missile in Ukraine. 

This plane crash killed two hundred and ninety five people and nearly two hundred of them where Dutch nationals and ten British nationals. 

The investigations has just started but there is strong evidence to suggest that this airline was brought down by Russian backed fighters. 

If it is proved that Russia where involved in bringing down this airline it could have some far reaching consequences politically for Russia. 

I think if it is proved that Russian government where involved then applying sanctions against Russia will not be enough.

President Putin has been quick to deny that Russia had anything to do with it and  Russians at the moment seem quite supportive of him. 

In the UK David Cameron has been using his Public Relations background to full effect by pressing for sanctions against Russia.  

But then he is not prepared to return any of the money that some billionaire Russians linked to the Russian government have donated to the Conservative Party. 

President Obama has been very even handed at the moment and he waiting for confirmation of Russian involvement before pointing the finger. 

As there was only one American on the plane he might only be able to advise without really getting involved.

But the next week or so will give us better indication of what the European Union response will be.

 I think that Russia where involved and once it's proven not only should they apply financial sanctions but they also need to relocate the 2018 World Cup to a safer region. 

Monday 21 July 2014

Reshuffling the pack...Cameron style

Last week Prime Minister David Cameron reshuffled his Cabinet with some far wider changes than most expected.

The first shock was the sacking of 
the Foreign Secretary William Hague. Now I for one did not see this coming I had a soft spot for William Hague. 

I thought he performed reasonably well on the world stage and did not really do anything wrong. 

Apparently William Hague was sacked for having moderate views on the EU. He has been replaced with a supposedly Euro sceptic MP Philip Hammond. 

Another shock of the week was the sacking of the Education Secretary Michael Gove. I for one I  am relieved that he has gone. 

Michael Gove spent the last four years desperately trying to increase Conservative ideology in education. He will most be remembered for his politicisation of  OFSTED. 

Gove spent his last few months as the Education Secretary picking fights with the Home Secetary Teresa May and once it became public knowledge his tenure as the Education Secretary was all but over. 

David Cameron replaced Michael Gove with Nick Morgan and this his cynical attempt to improve his standing amongst  women in the forthcoming general election.  

David Cameron also gave some key ministerial jobs to other women. I don't believe the changes he has made will make any difference. As he is hoping that voters will have short memories and will forget the hardship of the previous four years.

I also think that David Cameron has made even more enemies in his own party than he had before. 

He will definitely need to watch his back as William Hague and Michael Gove are both probably feeling quite bitter about being humiliated.  

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Prime Minister Questions -

In last weeks Prime Minister Questions, Ed Miliband focused his questions on the National Health Service. 

Ed mainly asked about the problems in the Accident and Emergency where waiting times have significantly increased in the last four years. 

As usual David Cameron responded with usual sound bite about how Labour are in charge of the NHS in Wales and they are providing a poor service. 

This response from David Cameron is a sign that he knows that Ed Miliband has the upper hand when comes to the NHS so he doesn't feel comfortable answering questions on the NHS. 

Overall Ed won the exchange and he came accross as self assured and knowledgable of the problems facing the NHS. 

Ed needs to keep pressing home his advantage and hopefully as Election Day looms more voters will start to listen to him. 

Friday 4 July 2014

Hacking - political fallout

The hacking trial concluded last week and Andy Coulson the former editor of the News of the World and a former Communications Director for the Conservatives was sentenced to eighteen months.  

The conviction of Andy Coulson is hugely significant as the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer totally trusted him and asked few questions before employing him. 

It is not unreasonable for the public to ask why David Cameron chose to ignore the advice of newspapers like The Guardian who advised David Cameron that Andy Coulson came with baggage.

This trial was eight months long and it chronicled the detail in which hacking extensively took place. This included the hacking of the murdered teenager Milly Dowler. 

Andy Coulson denied any knowledge of the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone but the jury did not believe him. 

Labour's Ed Miliband had taken strong principled stance to bring the journalists at the News of the World to justice especially over the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone. 

For the Prime Minister David Cameron that hacking trial did not put him in good light. He came across as someone who was trying to please too many people and was scared of Rupert Murdoch. 

So now Andy Coulson and some of his ex-colleagues have been convicted. I hope the days where some journalists abuse there positions and politicians are scared to confront them is behind us.  

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Prime Minister Questions -25 June 2014

In last weeks Prime Minister Questions Ed Miliband focused his six questions on the conviction of David Cameron's former Communications Director Andy Coulson for hacking. 

Ed Miliband asked David Cameron six awkward questions about why he chose to ignore advice from various people. 

All David Cameron could do was respond with stock responses about how Levenson inquiry cleared him of any wrongdoing. 

It was good day for Ed he had David Cameron on the back foot and looking very awkward. David ended the exchange asking why Ed doesn't  ask him about the economy. 

Which told me that David Cameron feels vulnerable when talking about the Andy Coulson.

 I think this hacking scandal and the conviction of Andy Coulson could come back and haunt David Cameron at the General Election. 

Labour and Ed Miliband need to press home the point that it's questions David Cameron's leadership and the kind of people he trusts in inner circle. 

Ed's questions to David Cameron were helpfully backed up by the questions that his backbenchers who asked David Cameron similar questions on hacking. 

So this was a good clear win for Ed Miliband and I am hoping he can continue to focus David Cameron 's leadership problems especially as the opinion polls have started to tighten. 

Thursday 19 June 2014

Prime Minister's Questions - 18th June 2014

In this weeks Prime Minister's Questions, Ed Miliband focused his six questions on the ongoing tensions in Iraq. 

Ed was particularly focused on the reports that British citizens have been fighting in Iraq. 

The exchanges between Ed Miliband and David Cameron where very amicable and it was nice to see. 

However Ed made sure that his backbenchers where asking key questions on the NHS. 

After about four questions on the NHS, David Cameron got annoyed and responded with usual soundbite about how Labour are in charge of the NHS in Wales and not running the service properly. 

So although the questions that Ed asked where met with an amicable response. Ed's backbenchers asked the question which I think rattled David Cameron. 

It's not easy for Ed at the moment with poll after poll suggesting that he is not leadership material.

 He just has to ignore these polls and focus the issues that affect voters I.e. the changes to the NHS, zero hours contract and childcare. 

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Prime Minister's Questions 11th June 2014

Prime Minister's Questions returned after a one month break and Ed Miliband did not waste any time in asking David Cameron some key questions. 

Ed's two main topics where education and accountability in the Birmingham schools scandal and the Home Office and passport delays. 

Today Ed was back to his best he asked the kind of questions that David Cameron had no real answer to and in the end David Cameron responded in his now typical "flashman" style. 

Both these topics are important to voters and these are the kind issues that can make or break a leader. David Cameron I came accross as weak and not full aware of the facts. 

So Ed Milband has returned from the months break with a real bang and had David Cameron on the back foot he just now to keep up this line of attack.