Tuesday 1 July 2014

Prime Minister Questions -25 June 2014

In last weeks Prime Minister Questions Ed Miliband focused his six questions on the conviction of David Cameron's former Communications Director Andy Coulson for hacking. 

Ed Miliband asked David Cameron six awkward questions about why he chose to ignore advice from various people. 

All David Cameron could do was respond with stock responses about how Levenson inquiry cleared him of any wrongdoing. 

It was good day for Ed he had David Cameron on the back foot and looking very awkward. David ended the exchange asking why Ed doesn't  ask him about the economy. 

Which told me that David Cameron feels vulnerable when talking about the Andy Coulson.

 I think this hacking scandal and the conviction of Andy Coulson could come back and haunt David Cameron at the General Election. 

Labour and Ed Miliband need to press home the point that it's questions David Cameron's leadership and the kind of people he trusts in inner circle. 

Ed's questions to David Cameron were helpfully backed up by the questions that his backbenchers who asked David Cameron similar questions on hacking. 

So this was a good clear win for Ed Miliband and I am hoping he can continue to focus David Cameron 's leadership problems especially as the opinion polls have started to tighten. 

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