Saturday 28 April 2018

Windrush Generation - Political fallout

So we are now moving to week 3 of the Windrush generation controversy and now we have a better idea about the Tory government involvement. So in 2010 they destroyed the landing cards and then in 2014 inacted a law that would label them as illegal immigrants.

What makes this even more digusting is the disingenious behaviour of both Teresa May and Amber Rudd. In my opinion both should go, Teresa May inacted this policy that has caused untold suffering and I don't she gets the pain that she has caused them.

Amber Rudd apparently doesn't read memos sent to her and she is completely out of her depth. It would be long shot to see both of them go and probably unlikely but they have both put themselves in an untenable situation.

It will be interesting to see how this evolves one thing is sure the wider public will not allow them sweep it under the carpet. 

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