Sunday 23 September 2018

Jeremy Corbyn and Brexit

Okay I admit that I am not Jeremy Corbin fan but for the good of our country I'm mightily relieved that he has decided to step and accept the labour electorate campaign against Brexit. Maybe he finally gets that this his way to become Prime Minister and play the Tories at there own game.

Whatever has made Jeremy Corbin  wake up and see the wood from the trees is definitely a blessing. The Tories have no idea what they are doing and Teresa May is completely lost right now she is battling MPs in her own party then she is battling EU leaders whilst all the time making no progress.

Before the UK is completely destroyed it is good now Jeremy Corbin who many people suspect wants to leave the EU is now prepared to fight the Tories on this issue. Hopefully this will be a defining moment in Jeremy Corbin's leadership and he will now understand  how bad Brexit  is for the UK.

So these next days will be crucial I just hope Jeremy Corbin is ready to step up and potentially be a Prime Minister.

Saturday 28 April 2018

Donald Trump

It is even incredible how Donald Trump got elected as the President of United States. As a child in the 90s I remember that Donald Trump was always in the newspapers and it wasn't for his business acumen. First it was his divorce from Ivana Trump that made headlines and all the tawdry tabloid news that went with it.

Then in the late 90s I would constantly see him in pictures with black celebrities and mainly rappers. So fast forward nearly 20 years and now he has been elected the President of the United States! The whole thing is unreal and he is well and truly out of this depth.

He doesn't like reading and prefers to spend quality time on twitter. Now we are seeing scandal after scandal. I think Presidency will get even worse now that Robert Muller is investigating everything. Hopefully the American people will not suffer too much under a President that is out of his depth.

We just have to wait for Robert Muller to finish his Russian investigation and this will hopefully force Trump to resign before he destroys the fabric of America.

Windrush Generation - Political fallout

So we are now moving to week 3 of the Windrush generation controversy and now we have a better idea about the Tory government involvement. So in 2010 they destroyed the landing cards and then in 2014 inacted a law that would label them as illegal immigrants.

What makes this even more digusting is the disingenious behaviour of both Teresa May and Amber Rudd. In my opinion both should go, Teresa May inacted this policy that has caused untold suffering and I don't she gets the pain that she has caused them.

Amber Rudd apparently doesn't read memos sent to her and she is completely out of her depth. It would be long shot to see both of them go and probably unlikely but they have both put themselves in an untenable situation.

It will be interesting to see how this evolves one thing is sure the wider public will not allow them sweep it under the carpet. 

Sunday 15 April 2018

Windrush Generation

It has been a long time since I blogged but as the  toxic political climate grow in the U.K. so do my frustrations. I cannot believe nor do I understand why the Conservative government lead by Teresa May would target the people from the Caribbean who have been residents in the U.K. For at least 40 years. This is the Windrush generation that came to the UK and worked hard and paid their taxes. Now a lot of them are heading towards retirement the government have decided to try and deport these residents that cannot prove their 'Britishness'.

The cynic in me believes that Teresa May was happy when they all worked by now they may require assistance from the NHS it's the reason to deport them. Hopefully I am wrong and they the government are not even thinking like that.

To me this a blatant human right abuse and a country like the UK that goes around calling out other countries abuses this is hypocrisy at its highest level. I sincerely hope that the Tory government will have a cold hard think about this and have a bit more respect for people who have lived in the U.K. since infancy.

One this situation has done is open my own eyes and made me realise that my not blogging I have become silent minority that are not happy with the current situation but I was staying quiet.. but not anymore.. so you will be hearing more from me.