Wednesday 30 October 2013

Prime Minister's Questions - 30/10/13

Today's PMQ's was again all about energy prices. Ed Miliband was demanding a price freeze. Whilst David Cameron was saying that Ed Miliband was conning the public.

It was the loudest PMQ's in a while and Ed Miliband was very commanding. However Ed now needs to move on to another topic as I don't think he can get much more out of this energy debate. 

David Cameron has a different problem he thinks that by saying that UK economy is bouncing back will help his poll numbers. 

All the Tory MP's that stood up in PMQ's spoke about how well the economy is doing in their area. 

Whilst this maybe true, sadly it does not feel like that for the rest of the UK. It really makes the Tories look like they are out of touch. 

David Cameron's job is to tell the UK public that the economy is on the mend. Whilst Ed Miliband has to point how people in the UK are actually feeling. 

I think Ed has a much easier job that is why he has been doing so well at PMQ's, but he needs to vary his PMQ topics little bit. This will help him to connect better with British people. 

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