Wednesday 30 October 2013

Prime Minister's Questions - 30/10/13

Today's PMQ's was again all about energy prices. Ed Miliband was demanding a price freeze. Whilst David Cameron was saying that Ed Miliband was conning the public.

It was the loudest PMQ's in a while and Ed Miliband was very commanding. However Ed now needs to move on to another topic as I don't think he can get much more out of this energy debate. 

David Cameron has a different problem he thinks that by saying that UK economy is bouncing back will help his poll numbers. 

All the Tory MP's that stood up in PMQ's spoke about how well the economy is doing in their area. 

Whilst this maybe true, sadly it does not feel like that for the rest of the UK. It really makes the Tories look like they are out of touch. 

David Cameron's job is to tell the UK public that the economy is on the mend. Whilst Ed Miliband has to point how people in the UK are actually feeling. 

I think Ed has a much easier job that is why he has been doing so well at PMQ's, but he needs to vary his PMQ topics little bit. This will help him to connect better with British people. 

Monday 28 October 2013

Prime Minister's Question - Major intervention

This blog is a little late... but last weeks Prime Minister'squestion was a real treat. This was because Sir John Major gifted Ed Miliband with an easy win.

Sir John a Major made a speech last Tuesday in which he urged David Cameron to do more about energy prices. 

So when Ed brought it up in PMQ's David Cameron seemed have shifted from previous position and was stating that he now believed in state intervention. 

Ed is doing well focusing on this issue,  but at the same time I hope he does not over do it as there other issues affecting families up and down the UK. 

David Cameron was well and truly rattled and was reprimanded by the Speaker for using unparliamentary language. 

So right now David Cameron is trying to get some credability back and Ed Miliband is staying on the offensive and is so far doing an excellent job. 

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Prime Minister's Question's 16/10/13

Today's PMQ was really all about the economy and liviing standards. Ed Miliband is getting better with each week. 

Ed comes across as passionate and determined to help people from all walks of life. 

David Cameron was desperately trying to promote the good economic use. But you could tell that Ed was really getting to him as face got redder and redder. 

My favourite moment was when Dennis Skinner got up to ask a question and you could also feel David Cameron fear.

 Dennis was engaging and very forceful with his point of view and David Cameron found it difficult to attack him. 

It was a good PMQ's Ed Miliband who came out of it very well.

Monday 14 October 2013

George Osborne and Boris Johnson's China trip- Podcast

Please see the link below to my podcast on George Osborne and Boris Johnson's trip to China.

VR Online Service: George Osborne and Boris Johnson's China trip

The Madeleine McCann case

The Madeleine McCann case is once again headline news all over the world. This partly due to Prime Minister David Cameron, authorising the Metroplitan Police to review the case.

 The Met police have come up with an E-fit of the men they feel were involved in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Three year old Madeleine McCann disappeared from her hotel room in Pria da Luz, Portugal in 2007. Whilst her parent Kate and Gerry McCann where eating in a resturant with friends.

I think that as sad as it is that their daughter has disappeared. Both of her parents should have been charged with child abandonment. 

I would not like to speculate about what happened to Madeleine. But at the very least the parents should have been a lie dectector test. 

This would have gone some way to establishing whether or not they had any invovlement in the disappearance of their daughter. 


Wednesday 9 October 2013

Prime Minister's Question time - 09/10/13

Prime Minister's question time returned after about a months break. Ed Miliband and David Cameron discussed the energy market and various of issues.

Ed Miliband still has the momentum going  into to this weeks PMQ's and he did very well to maintain it at this weeks PMQ's. 

Ed needs to convince the wider public that he is PM material and yesterday strong performance would have helped him a little bit.

David Cameron also needs to convince the wider public that his austerity policies where needed and have been successful. 

In PMQ's David Cameron repeated the Daily Mail's talking points about Ed being a Marxist. 

This clearly the talking point that David Cameron plans to push as part of his reelection strategy. 

To some extent it is similar to the talking point the Republicans tried to make about President Obama and that was unsuccessful.

 So I don't think David Cameron will get much success in trying to claim that Ed is a Marxist. 

Tuesday 8 October 2013

UK- reshuffling the pack!

Yesterday and today both Ed Miliband and David Cameron have reshuffled their junior ministers. 

It was noticeable that David Cameron has brought one or two more ladies in his cabinet, with the election in two years.  He is probably probably thinking more about the female vote. 

Whilst Ed Miliband sacked three ministers who he felt where not carrying his message. 

As it is two years before the election needs to form a team that's speaks with one voice and carry the message to the nation.  

Hopefully Ed Miliband has got that team who can confidently and purposefully carrying out message up and down the country. 

USA - Government shutdown

Today is apparently day eight of the US government shutdown. This came about because the Democrats and Republicans are in deadlock over the federal budget. 

The Republicans are using the federal budget to try and defund The Affordable Healthcare Act, also known as Obamacare. 

The government shutdown last happened when Bill Clinton was President. This means that all government procurement and day to day activities are currently on hold. 

Which is probably terrible for the US economy which has also been doing well recently.

So far the public seem to  be behind President Obama and is approval has gone up by 4%. 

However this can change very quickly and especially if this shutdown starts to inconvenience the public. Then the public support of President Obama's could disappear very quickly. 

Review of the Conservative Party conference

Last week's Tory conference was largely overshadowed by the row between Ed Milliband and the Daily Mail. David Cameron's big party conference speech had few surprises in there. 

What stood out for me was potential policy of withdrawing Jobs Seekers Allowance to men and women under the age of twenty five. 

Already there are million people under the age of twenty five who are currently unemployed. It sounds like a very quick fix solution to say that withdrawing benefits will make them find work. 

David Cameron has lurched further to the right of his party and only time will tell if it is really what the British people want.