Thursday 12 September 2013

Prime Ministers Question-11/09/2013

Yesterday Prime Minister's Questions raised number of important issues.

Ed Milliband focused his questions on the fall in living standards. Ed especially highlighted Michael Gove's comments on food banks.

Michael stated that people who use food banks may  not  have managed their finances properly.

Ed Milliband said that Michael Gove was a disgrace for making such a comment. Although David Cameron didn't back Michael Gove he didn't condem the comments either.

I think Ed gets better every week at PMQ's and a sign Ed Milliband is doing well is when David Cameron resorts to cheap insults.

It was certainly a very lively PMQ's with Tory MP's asking questions ranging from abortion to Syria.Labour MP's asking questions about living standards. 

David Cameron did not perform particularly well this week and I think that it is going to get tougher.

 Especially as David Cameron has claimed that the recession is now over and the economy is slowly growing. 

If this assertion is not backed with data in the next few months then he could find himself having real political problems.

Ed Milliband has different set of  problems. He has to be able to convince the electorate that he is ready to be Prime Minister. 

He has about eighteen months to prove this and I for one am confident that Ed Milliband will be successful at the ballot box.

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