Thursday 12 December 2013

Prime Minister's Questions

Prime Minister's questions was back yesterday and Ed Miliband focused his questions around the cost of living.

At first Ed asked about the proposed pay rise of MP's and both Ed Miliband and David Cameron are broadly against the pay rise. 

Ed then asked David Cameron about another tax cut for millionaires. Which David Cameron did not deny this surprised me. 

I would have thought millionaires where the last people that David Cameron would currently want to give a tax cut to. 

This really helped Ed Miliband to convey his message that David Cameron and the Tories are out of touch with every day people.

I thought that Ed did well and hopefully in time he will be seen as a credible alternative to David Cameron. 

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Working till we literally drop!

I am a bit late in posting my review of George Osborne's autumn statement.

What stood out the most for me was his statement about increasing the pension age to sixty eight. 

Even if economically it makes sense it does not seem fair that millions of people in there 20s or 30s could be looking at an extra eight years of work. 

It is already hard to secure a job with a pension. George Osborne made the assumption that as people are living longer therefore they will be healthy enough to work longer. 

He may well be right but even if your healthy enough to work in your mid to late 60s. It does not seem like an efficient way to deal with the pension crises. 


Friday 6 December 2013

RIP Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela died yesterday at the age of ninety five. Whilst it was not unexpected it still left me feeling sad.

I was about thirteen years old when the "free Mandela" concert to place in the Wembley  arena. 

It was at that moment I realised what Mr Mandela was going through in order to make South Africa free. 

My heart was filled with joy when he was released from prison shortly afterwards. 

Last night as I was watching the tv coverage, it occurred to me that there are few political leaders left that everybody truly respect.

Nelson Mandela belief in forgiveness and unity is something that will live with me forever and I will pass on and teach my children and  future grandchildren. 

RIP Madiba 

Monday 2 December 2013

David Cameron trade trip to China - Day One

Prime Minister David Cameron is on his umpteenth trip abroad and this time to China.

 As David Cameron believes that the Chinese government could help stimulate the UK economy.

David Cameron hasn't even been in China for a full day and already this trip has run into controversy.

Firstly the amount of people that David Cameron has taken on this trade trip is ridiculous. The people he has taken include his father in law and the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt. 

One of the reasons that Jeremy Hunt as accompanied David Cameron on this trip is that his wife is Chinese. 

I am sure that this connection will useful on this trade mission. But Jeremy Hunt has potentially got a winter crises looming. I hope he put an appropriate contingency plan in place before jetting of to China.

Secondly David Cameron was asked about the UK's relationship the Dalai Lama and he said it had not changed but hadn't any imminent plans of meeting the Dalai Lama.

 Many took this to mean that he would do anything to keep the Chinese government happy. 

Lastly the Chinese government would not allow British reporter Rob Hutton into the press conference. 

David Cameron did bring it up with Chinese President. But Rob Hutton was still not allowed in the press conference.

Hopefully tomorrow will better for David Cameron we will find out exactly how the Chinese government plans to invest in the UK. 

Preview of the autumn statement 2013

This week Chancellor George Osborne will be presenting his autumn statement to parliament.

 The most interesting topic at the George Osbourne's uturn on energy prices. 

Quite frankly it is bit of a shambles when the Labour leader,  Ed Miliband was calling for an energy price freeze. 

The Prime Minister David Cameron came out saying the government has no control over international energy prices. 

Now all of a sudden the green levy will be axed from our bills. Which means that household might get a reduction of £50 a month but only after it has gone up by £126 a month.


So it does sound like its a bit of a mess but hopefully it will become a bit more clearer once George Osbourne formally presents the budget to MP's. 

Hopefully budget will have a sizeable section on the cost of living crises, at the moment some middle class families are battling to keep afloat with the rising energy and childcare cost. 

Thursday 28 November 2013


President Obama's flagship healthcare policy has been causing him a few problems.

This problems have been technical where users had problems logging unto the website and operational where some Americans had lost their previous health plan.

However these problems have been overly highlighted by the Republians who are vehemently against the Affordable Healthcare Act, they have named Obamacare.


These problems have even started to affect President Obama's poll numbers and although the Republicans are desperate to repel Obamacare. 

I would say that like most roll outs it is natural for it to have its  problems in the early stages. 

But ultimately it will be defining piece of legislation that I think more and more Americans will come to appreciate in the coming years. 

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Prime Minister's Questions 27 November 2013

Todays Prime Minister's questions was bit of a mix bag. Now bearing in mind that the election is eighteen months away. 

A good performance at PMQ's is important for both David Cameron and Ed Miliband. 

Today Ed focused his questions around the cost of living and  the uturn the government recently made on payday loans. 

In my opinion Ed Miliband asked the right questions and David Cameron gave weak and feeble answers.   

I would not say that it is the best PMQ's I have watched. But what makes it entertaining is watching David Cameron in "flashman mode".

So Ed got the better of the exchanges between them and he just needs to keep the momentum going for as long as possible.