Tuesday 7 February 2017

US Politics - Donald Trump

Wow I can't quite believe I am writing this blog and you may have noticed that I have not blogged for  awhile this was probably due to the shock of watching Donald Trump win the US Presidency. As a Brit I just did not see that coming but clearly his message really resonated with rural America. It was really sad to Hillary Clinton loose and I guess her message just did not cut acrosss middle America. I have to say that at times I was frustrated with her focus on women and I think that did not particularly go well for considering 53% white American women voted for Donald Trump.

Since his inauguration President Donald Trump has continued to play to his base. I found his inauguration speech to be full of hate and quite negative and no appreciation for all the work that President Obama's hard work..Trump has come across as unhinged and with little or no knowledge of how law and politics works in the US.

These are very scary times for the US and the rest of the world! President Trulp way of getting things achieved has been through Executive Order and his most controversial Executive Order was to ban se
seven predominantly Muslim countries from travelling to America. This alone sounded ridiculous considering that none of these countries had committed any terrorist attacks against the US.

Trump is totally out of this depth and what happens next will be interesting but I can
can impeachment on the horizon as his little knowledge of how things are find will be the undoing of him and personally I can't I would like the Office of Presidency to be taken seriously and not treated like a reality show.