Tuesday 8 November 2016

US election - Election Day!

Wow its been while since I blogged! However I have been closely following the US election. I have to say it is definitely the meanest elections I have ever witnessed. 

I still cannot believe that hacked emails where allowed to be part of the election cycle. The insults that Donald Trump threw at Hillary Clinton where so un presidential. 

Donald Trump regularly called her "crooked" Hilary and his supporters where equally as rude. For me the video that surfaced on Donald Trump say he would one day date a ten year old that he saw in the lift was totally disgusting. 

Hillary to me has done so well to cope the barrage of insults about her family, her health and anything else they could have thrown at her. 

Hillary is not perfect but how many people are? If all they could find wrong with her conduct was the email server she set up then to me is definitely presidential material. 

So I will be keeping my fingers (toes) crossed for Hillary to be successful tonight. To me she has more than proved that she is capable and ready for the job as President. 

Thursday 5 May 2016

Mayor London - Election

Mayor London and local elections are taking place today and the main two candidates is Labour's Sadiq Khan and the Conservative candidate Zac Goldsmith. 

What I think should have been regular election campaign between these candidates has got very nasty. This was Zac Goldsmith has accused Sadiq Khan of sharing a platform with terrorists. 

Zac then wrote an article in the Mail and Sunday to try and get some votes. However the accompanying picture to this article was nothing short of disgraceful as they used a picture from the 7/7 terrorist attack that happened eleven years go. 

To me this was a particular turning point of the campaign and it highlighted the depth to which the Tories will go to secure that win. 

The polls suggest that Sadiq Khan should get a comfortable win. Howevver the last General Election all the polls were pointing to hung parliament and the Tories ended up getting a majority. So hopefully this time the polls are more accurate. 

Friday 8 April 2016

David Cameron - Tax avoidance

It has been a while since I have blogged about UK politics and it's main because I am still disappointed with the those 2015 results and I am not particularly happy with Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. 

One story has renewed my interest in UK politics and that is David Cameron and his father's tax avoidance scheme. 

One is clear that neither David Cameron or is late father did anything illegal. However when David Cameron was first asked he told journalist that it was a private matter and yesterday four days later finally admitted that he had told some shares in 2010 and made £18K. 

I think what makes most people angry is the fact that he was not forthcoming with the details when asked and he is making money on the side and not declaring. 

This at the time when British people's wages are not rising and cuts in the NHS and education budgets. 

Will this lead to David Cameron resigning? Probably not but it would have damaged his reputation and will struggle to be able to discuss tax avoidance without people thinking that is what he has been doing. 

Monday 15 February 2016

US election 2016

Ok I have finally gotten over the disaster of the UK General Election. As this year US election, I though it was about time I started blogging about it. 

I have to say that I am surprised that Donald Trump is actually been taking serious and could potentially be the republican candidate. 

I am also surprised that Hilary Clinton hasn't been fast tracked to the democratic nomination. 

This US election has been quite suprisein get for me as I would have thought that Jeb Bush would be more popular with the republican voters. 

I am still waiting for Donald Trump to announce this was a big joke and he had no plans of running for the presidency. However I now realise he serious and I should take his campaign seriously. 

The little I know about Donald Trump I have no idea why he would be fit to be the President of the United States. 

All I can see is that he is running on an anti Muslim ticket and that seems to have got lots of interest. 

Bernie Sanders is another potential Democratic nominee who seems to be very popular. He comes across a little old school and a bit like Ed Miliband and look how that ended up. 

I have finally tuned in and taking interest it is an important election apart of me which that Barack Obama could run again.