Wednesday 30 April 2014

Prime Minister Questions - 30th April 2014

After the Easter break Prime Minister's  Questions is I back! Today Ed Miliband focused his six questions on the sale of the Royal Mail.

The sale of the Royal Mail is both a sensistive and a political hot potato for David Cameron. 

Ed Miliband pointed that a select few have really benefited from the sale. Which Ed Miliband believes was sold below the market value. 

David Cameron desperately tried to avoid answering the questions put him instead focusing on children of Labour MP's who are candidates for 2015 election. 

David Cameron tried to end the exchange on the news that Ed Miliband had hired President Obama's former adviser David Axelrod. 

However House Speaker John Bercow cut him off and David Cameron was heard saying he hadn't finished to which John Bercow replied he had finished and moved on to the next question...ouch!!!

Ed won the exchange today as he focused on the beneficiary of the Royal Mail sell off and pointed that British people and the workers of the Royal Mail where the main losers. 

However I do wish that Ed Miliband had brought up the Office of National Statistics report that about 1.4 million people are on zero hour contracts. 

But I suspect that Ed will probably bring this up when David Cameron is least expecting it. 
So it was great to have PMQ's back after the Easter break and even better that Ed Miliband picked up from where he had previously left off. 

Thursday 10 April 2014

Prime Minister's questions - 8th April 2014

This weeks Prime Minister's questions was the last one before the Easter recess. Ed Milliband focused his six questions on the conduct and resignation of the Culture Secretary Maria Miller. 

Ed was excellent and contrary to what David Cameron was saying about Ed joining the political bandwagon. Ed came across well in trying to explain to David Cameron how is backing of Maria Miller was misguided. 

It was notable that when David Cameron was responding to Ed Milliband is normally very vocal back benchers where fairly quiet. 
That tells me that they may not politically agree with Ed Milliband but they understood his line of questioning and they did not want to be seen as backing Maria Miiller. 

So another strong performance by Ed Milliband  and I hope he will be able to hold into this momentum that he has built.   

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Prime Minister's Questions - 2nd April 2014

In this weeks Prime Minister's Questions Ed Miliband focused his questions on the sale of the Royal Mail.

Ed Miliband won the exchange by highlighting financial mistakes that the government have made in the sale of Royal Mail. 

David Cameron's first line of defence line was that the Labour Party had thirteen to the to deal with the Royal Mail and they did not do anything. 

Ed Miliband reminded David Cameron the tax payer had lost out as David Cameron sold the Post Office too cheaply. 

Ed Miliband gave timely reminder of  implying that the Tories cannot be trusted with economy.

So Ed did well but David Cameron's responses where pretty convincing.